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Spanish Synagogue
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Domazlice - Bohemian historical town, centre of Chodsko Region.
Domazlice was first recorded in 1231 when the Bohemian King Premysl Otakar II ordered the city to be fortified for the purpose of protecting the border with Bavaria. In 1431 the Hussites defeated the Crusaders of the Holy Roman Empire close to Domazlice. The cardinal Cesarini watched the battle from nearby Baldov Hill.
Chodsko Castle - one of very few municipal castles in the Czech Republic - has remained here since the Middle Ages. Bohemian King John of Luxemburg lay up here in 1316. Today the Baroque castle houses significant ethnographic collections of Chodsko Region.
A remarkable dominant of the town is a leaning tower of the rectory church. The square is surrounded by old burghers΄ houses with Baroque and Classicist facades. There are many churches and remains of the fortification around the historical centre.
Minimum recommended stay in Domazlice: 1 day
Incorrect forms of Domazlices name: Domaslice
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